*******************NUTS $ MILK HEX VALUES******************************************* All coding found by Elbobelo to use for the Donkey Kong 2 hack 024e = Level start select 0254 = Level Demo starts 0286 = Automatic Level Skipping 02c4 = Nuts End Level 2 GFX$ 02c9 = Nuts End Level 2 Pallete 0300 = How Many Levels? 030f = Level plays over and over 03d3 = 29 makes Nuts start upside down 049C - 04a1 = Times for the first 6 levels 04a2 - 04d3 = How Many small fireballs per bonus level 05CA = Select for Skip 06ad = Jumping over baddies pnts Value 06b7 = Blimp points value 06bc = Items point value 07f8 = Perfect Game Nuts $GFX 0890 = menu during bonus ending 0941 - 095f = Flower1, Flower2, Flower3, Flower4 0961 - 0970 = Heart Palletes 1-4 0971 - 0997 = Bonus Heart Layout 0a84 = Blimp 500 Pts GFX$ 0a9d = Collision on/off 0ab2 = Blimp Kills 0ac8 = Blimp GFX$ 0aca = Blimp Pallette 0acd = Heli GFX$ 0acf = Heli Pallette 0ad0 - 0aff = Blimp Physics 0b43 = Right Skid GFX$ 0b4c = Left Skid Position 0b4e = Left Skid GFX$ 0b61 = Skid Pallete 0b6a = 00 Blinking Skid frezzes68 0b90 = Freezes Bonus Time (0a)(0b Default) 0ba3 = Freeze Round Time (c7)(c6def) 0be5 = MILK's Horizontal Postion 0be7 = MILK's Verticle Position 0bfa = Smoke Scrolls through palletes 0bf4 = (02) 2 "Help"s. (35 END @LAST ITEM)(5B bADDIES DIE AFTER LAST ITEM) 0bf5 = (b7) "Help" follows enemy )a2def) 0bf6 = Smoke Horizontal GFX Pos 0bf8 = Smoke Verticle GFX pos 0bfa = (C0 = aNOTHER Milk)(4d) Milk takes its place)(7a = Nuts in jail)(BD = fALLS)(81 fireball instead)(8b fireball will blink)(90 fireball alt P)(81 Ce good for HELI) 0bfb = (dd)(e5 = shows time left) 0bfd = (37 skid blinks and follows)(f4 def) 0c00 = 80 = Milk blinks(40 dead enemy blinks) 0c02 = (42 = blinks behind House)(5a)(6e switches between "help"&blimp)(74 Alt pallettes) 0c18 = (CD Bonus ending blends with level ending)(CC last level part in slow mo) 0c19 = (AC) Level Ends After Collecting coins 0c1b = (03 Collision point of ending level item) (0edef) oc1d = Baddies freezes after coins collected (33def) 0c21 = (2fdef)(30 works with 0c1d) 0c23 = (27)pallettes for ending Nuts 0c24 = (db is ok)(66 fire in corner) 0c28 = Nuts' End Level pos. 0c2a = Nuts' End Level pos. Verticle 0c2f = Nuts' End Level GFX$ 0c34 = small heart #1 Horizontal Pos. 0c36 = small heart #1 Verticle Pos. 0c3a = "" (A3 is good) (a2 is default) 0c3b = Milk's #2 Horizontal GFX Position 0c3d = Milk's #2 Verticle GFX position 0c49 = Level ends when Baddie dies 0c61 = (04) Baddies falls after items 0c96 = Lvl Complete House GFX 1 ROW 1 Position 0ca9 = Lvl Complete House GFX 1 ROW 2 Position 0cc3 = Lvl Complete House GFX 3 ROW 1 Position 0cd6 = Lvl Complete House GFX 3 ROW 2 Position 0cec - 0d06 = Lvl complete House 1 & 3 GFX 0d0c = Lvl Complete House GFX 2 ROW 1 Position 0d17 = Lvl Complete House GFX 2 ROW 2 Position 0d13 = House Ending screen 1 bottom half restored (20 def) 0d3d - 0d42 = Lvl complete House 2 GFx 0d4f = 2 blinking "Helps" 0D69 = Milk GFX$ 0D6E = Milk Pallete (2? Puts into background) 0D84 = "Help" GFX$ 0D89 = "Help" Pallete 0D9A = small heart Recieved GFX$ 0D9F = small heart Recieved Pallete 0dbb = Bonus Milk Verticle Pos. 0dcb = Bonus Milk replaces item 0dcf = Bonus Milk Hor Pos. 0dde = "Help" Bonus Horizontal Pos. 0de0 = "Help" Bonus Verticle Pos. 0e18 = Nuts Bonus End Horizontal Pos. 0e1a = Nuts Bonus End Verticle Pos. 0e1f = Nuts Bonus GFX$ 0e24 = small heart Bonus Horizontal Pos. 0e26 = small heart Bonus Verticle Pos. 0e2b = Milk Bonus Horizontal Pos. 0e2d = Milk Bonus Verticle Pos. 0e60 - 0e6f = Milk Bonus Jumping Physics 0e73 = bonus medium heart Horizontal pos. (18 replace Mario) 0e75 = bonus medium heart Verticle pos. 0E7A = Nuts Bonus 2 GFX$ 0E7F = Nuts Bonus 2 Pallette 0ebf - 0ec2 = Big Heart position 0ec3 - 0ec6 = Big Heart GFX$ 0ec7 - 0eca = Big Heart Pallette 0ecb - 0ece = Big Heart position 0ede = 1st fireball starting time 0ee2 = 2nd fireball starting time 0ee6 = 3rd fireball starting time 0eea = 4th fireball starting time 0ef0 - 0ef3 = fireball GFX$ 0ef4 - 0ef7 = fireball Pallete 0efd = fireball speed (9Adef)(6E - start&stop)(9Bslow)(99fast)(3Dscootscoot)(31shortstops)(93stops) 0f17 = (45) great behavior 0f1b = direction/behavior 0f23 = (d4) fireballs zig-zag down 0f7b = fireballs gone GFX$ 0fa5 = 03 super fast ofb0 = fireballs fly strait (08-#2,) ofb7 = (01 flies straight) 0fb9 = fireball's behavior 0fc0 = downward distance 0fd0 = (05) fireballs Down, strait, down, strait) 0fd6 = upward distance ofd9 = (AA - fireballs go down,up,down) 15 10bf = Bonus Items 11a0 = milks graphics 1134 = 800 pts GFX$ 113a = Coin#4 GFX$ 1140 = Coin#3 GFX$ 1146 = Coin#2 GFX$ 114c = Coin#1 GFX$ 1156 = Coin Pallete 1244 = Spring #2 GFX$ 12a3 = Spring #1 GFX$ 1266 = only 1 spring resets 1294 = Spring Bounce toggle 12a1 = spring reset delay 14ee = Baddie actio 1504 = Baddie jumps early 151b = jump distance (random jumps) 157c = Baddies's Speed 1580 = Baddie speed 1586 = Baddie speed (85 Def.) 159b = Baddie Random Spawn 15ed = 2nd Baddies glitch 163c = 100 pts Pallete 1644 = 100 pts GFX$ 1716 = Baddie Spawn #3 GFX$ 171c = Baddie Spawn #2 GFX$ 1722 = Baddie Spawn #1 GFX$ 1728 = Splash #3 GFX$ 172e = Splash #2 GFX$ 1734 = Splash #1 GFX$ 176e = (61)After baddies die they come back different 178f = (45 baddies go up when they die)(50 Different Tile for death than fall) 17a5 = Baddie's Dead GFX$ 183c = Baddie floats down 1869 = Baddie fall forever 1877 = Baddie speed 188a = Baddie jumping direction 188c = Baddie jumping distance (58 jumps 2 or 1 or falls fast) 189a = Baddie animates during jumpS 18a1 = Baddie frame skip 18a6 = Baddie GFX$ 1a32 = baddie doesnt jump 1a43 = (00 fixed baddie head bump)(04def) 1a4d = Baddies Jumping height 1a60 = Baddie Graphics 1a69 = Baddie's bottom GFX$ 1adf = Nuts' speed 1b09 = Nuts Splash GFX$ #4 1b0f = Nuts Splash GFX$ #1 1b13 = Dramatic splashes 1b15 = Nuts Splash GFX$ #2 1b1b = Nuts Splash GFX$ #3 1b1c = What happens after splash (00 cool!) 1b21 = Nuts Splash Pallete 1b4d = Nuts dead GFX$ 1b57 = (0a = no death song)(09def) 1c8a = Nuts thumps gfx$ 1d03 = jump very far LENGTH 1df0 = Jumping button 1e18 = (AD Nuts faces down when falls from ladder)(ACdef) 1e30 = (50 change GFX$ when walking off) 1e49 = climbs to the top of ladder 1e85 = change GFX$ after hitting head 1e53 = Falling off Height (0Bdef) 1e8f = speed falling after hitting heAD 1e8b = (00 -climbs walls) 1e91 = "Nuts Hits his head" section 1e99 = Nuts jumps on the ladder 1ec2 = Depth of Nuts when Landing from jump 1ec5 = 24 Nuts falls through floor after thumping 1eb7 = Depth of Nuts when thumping 1ebd = landing 1ed4 = Thumps when u land (22) 1ed7 = thumps while jumping strait up and down 1edd = Jumps strait up when bouncing 1ee4 = (06)thumps when you bounce (68)(7C short jump bounce)(9F change GFX)(B5 Falls on head when bounce) (dc crazy teleport) 1ee6 = Bounce off walls (ff) (00def) 1EEA = 21 thumps when bounce 1f00 = Spring Start 1f34 = Spring Lowjump Height 1f4c = Spring Highjump Height 1f57 = Depth of Mario on Spring 1fcc = Jump on platform B 1fd0 = jump on platform A 1fd4 = jump on ladders 1fda = Jumping Height 1fe5 - 1fee = Jumping Physics 2002 = Nuts Bottom GFX$ 2039 = (60 can jump off walls) 204e = wont fall while moving 2064 = Fall sthrough half the floor 2045 = Steps off ledge sooner < 204c = steps off ledges sooner > 207e = Nuts Right Wall Depth 2085 = Nuts Left Wall depth 2094 = Ceiling height 20b0 = Baddie Right Wall Depth 20b7 = Baddie Left Wall Depth 20db = Baddie Behavior (e8 forces umbrella) 20c8 = Baddie Glitch (fix = 7b)(def = CF) 20cb & 20cd = Baddies glitch fix 209d = walks through walls 20fb = Ladder Climbing Down Speed 2100 = Ladder Area??? 2101 = Ladder Climbing Up Speed 2103 = Dir when pressing up 210a = Dir when walking up 2112 = Dir when Pressing down 2119 = Dir facing when moving down 2123 = Left walking speed 212b = dir facing when walking left 213d = dir facing when walking right 2147 - 2376 = Edit mode 23a3 = Edit Blinking Cursor GFX$ 238e = Nuts falls through floor 23e9 = Start of Pallete Hacking 23f0 = Pallete starting ad$ 2400 = Where do the Changing Palletes start? 2409 = how many palletes for the level (07) 240f = How Many Colors Change? (10)(default = 8) 2412 = Changing palletes starting ad$ 241C = I. Top. II. Pallete Switch. 2428 = Water Pallet 243b = water pos. 2442 = Water GFX$ 244c = Row Under Water GFX$ 2498 - 24b1 = High Score Row GFX$ 24b5 - 24c5 = Info Bar Row1 GFX$ 24c9 - 24d9 = Info Bar Row2 GFX$ 24ea = 252b = Bonus Box GFX$ 252e - 2551 = House GFX$ 2557 = Nuts Lives Position 2564 = Bonus value pos.. 256f = Level number pos. 257e = Bonus Level points pos. 2582 = What value is displayed (20 = lvl) 258a = Player 1 pts pos. 2599 = Top score pts. pos. 25ac = plaYER 2 PTS. POS. 28ca = Nuts Edit GFX$ 28cf = Nuts Pallette 28e0 - 28fc = Nuts & item collision 28fd = Item Graphics 2931 = Purse Pallete 2CAE = Title Screen Green 2CB3 = Title Screen Blue 2ddd = Beginning cursor GFX$ 2de2 = Cursor Pallete ******SOUNDS and MUSIC***** 325C = Bass Tempo 338A - 3449 = Title Screen Song 344D - 34A9 = Finish Level 34AD - 34DC = Level Intro 34E0 - 350F = Death Music 3513 - 3552 = Level 1 music 3554 - 3593 = Level 2 music 3595 - 3499 = Coin sound 35A1 - 35A2 = Jump 35A4 - 35A6 = Spring 35A7 = Landing Thummp 35A9 - 35B8 = Death Song 35C6 - 35C7 = Times Running out 35C9 - 35E6 = "Go Nuts!" 35EA - 35F1 = Nuts Falls *******Level Designs***** 3610 - (2A) Level 1 363A - (2E) Level 2 3668 * (2E) Level 3 3696 - (2c) Level 4 36C2 - (2c) Level 5 36EE - (37) Level 6 3725 - (3B) Level 7 3760 * (34) Level 8 3794 - (29) Level 9 37BD - (2d) Level 10 37EA - (2a) Level 11 3814 - (2F) Level 12 3843 * (2F) Level 13 3872 - (3F) Level 14 38B1 - (2B) Level 15 38DC - (35) Level 16 3911 - (26) Level 17 3937 * (3F) Level 18 3976 - (2B) Level 19 39A1 - (2F) Level 20 39D0 - (2C) Level 21 39FC - (32) Level 22 3A2E * (3A) Level 23 3A68 - (37) Level 24 3A9F - (34) Level 25 3AD3 - (38) Level 26 3B0B - (33) Level 27 3B3E * (3B) Level 28 3B79 - (38) Level 29 3BB1 - (50) Level 30 3C01 - (2B) Level 31 3C2C - (26) Level 32 3c52 * (3B) Level 33 3C78 - (32) Level 34 3C8D - (2D) Level 35 3CBA - (26) Level 36 3CE0 - (26) Level 37 3D06 * (2F) Level 38 3D35 - (2E) Level 39 3D63 - (38) Level 40 3D9B - (2F) Level 41 3DCA - (2E) Level 42 3DF8 * (3D) Level 43 3E35 - (34) Level 44 3E69 - (30) Level 45 3e99 - (28) Level 46 3EC1 - (2B) Level 47 3EEC * (34) Level 48 3F20 - (2C) Level 49 3F4C - (37) Level 50 3F83 - (38) Level 51 4010 -> END = Graphics Data --------------------------------- E = 34 = 35 - 36 - 37 - 38 - 39 - 3A - 3B - 40 - 41 - 42 - 43 - 44 --------------------------------- B = 2B = 30 - 31 - 32 - 33 - 34 --------------------------------- G = 27 = 28 - 29 - 2A - 2B - 30 --------------------------------- D = 22 = 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 --------------------------------- A = 19 = 1A - 1B - 20 - 21 - 22 --------------------------------- E = 14 = 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - **** Songs Composed for soundtrack **** Staying alive = 23 25 81 31 81 25 23 81 1A 20 81 23 1A 81 20 23 81 1A 81 23 25 31 81 00 I want u back = 18 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 1A 20 23 25 21 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 1A 20 21 22 23 24 25 81 81 81 20 81 81 81 21 81 81 81 18 81 81 81 1A 81 1A 81 23 23 81 18 81 23 25 28 25 28 81 00 I want u back2= 28 81 28 81 28 27 81 27 81 25 25 23 20 23 20 21 21 20 81 20 1A 1A 23 20 23 24 25 81 81 81 20 81 81 81 21 81 81 81 18 81 81 81 1A 81 1A 81 23 23 81 18 81 23 25 28 25 28 81 00 DK1 song = 3131388181818181343735328181818132323A818181818137393734818181813434408181818181393A40428181818135373981818181813435373581818181 Mario Party DK song = 29813081338134812930813381348129308133813481368137368134813334812981308133813481293081338134813637813981378136813736813481818181 SuperMario Underground = 202B192820298181818181202B192820298181818181243521322233818181818124352132223381818181812322208123812281188117812181202625242A292823221A19181781818181 Super Mario Castle = 28212721262127212821292128212721282127212621272128212921282127212720262027202820272028202720262031243224312431243024312430242924 DK 64 Castle = 14812181812081178116811581818181141617142021818122211916211917161414161714202181811422211614211481818181818181818181818181818181 **** Original Level designs for Donkey Kong 2 hack **** Level 1 - 94343BFF76796358576C2390D4DDCC3CC0C3C0C323CD30ADCC6CCCCC96C46930CCC8C3CC385954C9 (MarioBros 1) Level 2 - 0C7B74FF313E212E5659FF30784CC7787CCC4BCB0C7FCCF4C70C0707C7B870B00C0F07CFF8C71CF490CC70 (Starman) Level 3 - 2D921607274DAD173457779BC0D80292C5C442CC28CC9C24C8852054C4C882C92954CCC0C2C80A8AECE8CCCCCC (Rook) Level 4 - 8582021992FF235CFFFFFF80D0DD85C338C893CCCC3DCDCC34CC9C833DCD3C3CCC343DCCC8DDCCC8C2 (DK 1) Level 5 - 2B87FFFF6739339A2E6E94600C05021202D62CC08602C510CC0CC1CCCCCCCCCC0C811DC08186C2CCCE18CECCCC (Left BeltLift) Level 6 - 22636CFF464936395659FFC0CCCCC8C5CC7FCCB2B4C20C42C22CC33CC2724C272CC33CC270C48794C4C9 (Mario Face) Level 7 - 378D2242FF949A060C77FFFF80CCCCD0D001C9CCCCCCCCCC4C276767637402636703422707722063740203722003422707722063 (Elbebelo) Level 8 - 174789855D5A2B3D4D2B6A70CC0CCADDA1CCEC0C9DCE8CE3C41DE3CC24E38C29E3CC60E3CC60E3 (Temple) Level 9 - 48727BFF939C838C252AFF30CCCC8545c56001616401696865688cc660380506c538c6364c635060c34cc6cc304649 (Seven Blocks) 37654BFFFF388428714D328E800A420F03074342530B27203C8ACA34CACEC324306C63A4302C282C20C70C0202721418382CCCA0CCCCCC (Snailmen)